GOAT Gamez
Ludovic Verbeeck


About the Brand

Creating a web platform based on new branding made by the talented Mariusz Lewczyk. The aim was to give the Video Game studio a modern yet elegant layout teamed with the latest tools that a modern market would require. From the parallax effects, on scroll functionality, contact and job offer section, we made it clear for Game Devs that GOAT GAMEZ has everything for them.
- Web design and development
- Google Analytics with monthly reports
- Speed optimisation
- E-mail marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools
- Customised emails
- Product picture retouching
- Subscriber Sync List
- Fast & Secured wordpress specific hosting
- Advanced League Score
- 3D effect Job offer
When you’ve just started your store there is one thing you should be focused on: getting customers. At this point your acquisition efforts should completely trump retention. Focus on strategies and tactics that will help you grow your customer base.
Avg Weekly visits
Traffic, specifically number of visits, is a fundamental measurement of site reach and growth. It’s helpful at gauging how well your marketing efforts are working, and helps to give a great overall snapshot of site performance. You spend all this time figuring out how to get traffic to your website, but the key is to make sure it’s the right traffic.
Page Growth
Timing is everything in the digital world. The digital marketing strategy implemented to generate 100 visitors a day will likely need to change in order to transition from 1,000 visitors a week to 10,000 visitors a week